Welcome to the newly revamped ConsumerBoard. An online board for consumers to complaint and review on companies, service providers and businesses, our platform helps consumers find faster resolve and connect with the concerned authorities. We have a wide range of categories, from airline, hotel to technology, listing some of the major brands in the world.
All listings on our board comes with an overview of the company, social profiles, contact information, among others. Additionally, visitors can read the complaints of similar experiences and connect with past users.
Whatever it may be, whether a defective television, poor quality mobile, substandard technical support, failure to reimburse/refund, product warranty issues, unacceptable consumer handling, we sure have our doors open for you!
Your complaints or reviews on ConsumerBoard.org does not end with it being addressed by the respective company, but further it helps thousands of naive and gullible consumers to choose the right product and service.
Our mission remains to help consumers’ voices be heard. Forget about throwing your valuable time calling and mailing. Simply fill out your complaint and we shall promptly review, post and help you find speedy resolve.