Bank of India Complaints: Have a complaint or review on Bank of India? Go ahead, post it on our exclusive Bank of India consumer complaint board. Your complaints, whether on banking accounts, lost or missing credit /debit cards, access to loans & deposits, insurance or investment, or internet banking, describe it precisely and detailed as possible. Your complaints and reviews will not only help Bank of India improve its service, but will also inform and enlighten other consumers like you.

Bank of India Facts

About Bank of India
1) Bank of India began operations in the year 1906, making it one of the oldest banks in India.
2) Presently, Bank of India has over 3,500 branches and 1,500 ATMs across India.
3) The bank’s products and services include savings deposits, current deposits, term deposits, loans, NRI banking, debit/credit cards, internet banking, online trading, among others.
4) As of March 2011, the bank had a customer base of 45.05 million
5) During 2010-11, the global business of the bank reached Rs 5,15,040 crore.
6) The same period it had net profit of Rs 2,489 crore.
7) Internationally, Bank of India has operations in New Zealand, USA, UK, France, Belgium, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, UAE, S.Africa, among others.
8) As of 2011, the bank employs close to 23,000 people.
9) Bank of India was recognised as ‘India’s most trusted service brand 2011’ by ET Nielsen survey.

Bank of India Customer Care
1) Bank of India is headquartered in Mumbai.
2) The customer care of Bank of India can be reached at (022) – 40919191 or 022-66684444.
3) For queries or complaints on credit cards, call 1800 22 00 88 or 022-4042 6006. For debit card queries call 1800 42 51 112.
4) To email the Bank of India customer care, write to [email protected].

There are several ways of reaching the Bank of India customer care. You could have your complaint or query addressed by calling their telephone helpline. If that dint help, you could contact the bank through email. In addition to that, letters could be posted directly to the head office or branch. None of this helped in reaching the authorities at Bank of India? Relax, is here to listen to you and forward your valuable comments.

Some of the common requests or complaints customers having account with Bank of India make include delay in opening new accounts; lost or missing debit/credit cards; access to Bank of India internet or mobile banking; inaccurate account statements; registration to bill payment services; delay in getting auto or home loans; or unavailability of insurance or investment services. If neither calling nor emailing helped in resolving your problem, don’t forget to mention it on our complaint board.

Besides posting your complaints on Bank of India, the also gives you the opportunity to review the bank. Your valuable reviews and ratings shall judge the service of Bank of India overall – whether quality, customer service or value.

  1. I have an account in palayamkottai branch. A/c open date:12.11.2011. Till date i have not received ATM pin no. Every month i visit palayamkottai branch but bank people say that pin is not received. I am very disappointed by bank of india customer service.

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